Carb Free is a supplement that is formulated to minimize carbohydrate uptake for storage in adipose tissue, regulation of blood sugar levels to reduce the pancreatic release of insulin (better utilization of the bodys own sugar regulation), and to aid in fat loss by minimizing carbohydrate storage in the form of fat. Carb Free is a very beneficial supplement as a dietary aid for lower carbohydrate diets.
White Kidney Bean Extract:
White kidney bean extract is from the plant Phaseolus vulgaris and it interferes with alpha-amylases ability to break down dietary starch so that it cannot be absorbed as simpler sugar molecules. The starches, rather than being absorbed are excreted, however, it is still recommended to limit carbohydrate consumption in the diet as well.
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid:
R-ALA is considered as a universal antioxidant as it is both water and fat-soluble. It improves insulin sensitivity to control blood sugar, may reduce LDL cholesterol, and improves energy production, which improves mental and physical stamina.
Chromium Picolinate:
Chromium picolinate is another compound that increases the efficiency of insulin to shuttle nutrients into the cells of the body, improving proper levels of blood sugar, and improving blood circulation.